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I Want to Be a Ukrainian
In 2005 Meg Wheatley penned a poem to honor the Orange Revolution in Ukraine that began November 22, 2004. It begins with these stirring lines:

When I come of age
When I get over being a teen-ager
When I take my life seriously
When I grow up

I want to be a Ukrainian.
... posted on Mar 04 2022, 11,325 reads


Rediscovering the Earth Emotions
"Glenn Albrecht is a philosopher and environmentalist who for many years was Professor of Sustainability at Murdoch University in Western Australia, and is now an Honorary Associate at the School of Geosciences at the University of Sydney. In his book 'Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World,' he argues that we have lost awareness of our deep and long-lasting connection with nature, and no longe... posted on Mar 03 2022, 2,696 reads


When the Earth Started to Sing
"This sonic journey written and narrated by David G. Haskell brings us to the beginning of sound and song on planet Earth. The experience is made entirely of tiny trembling waves in air, the fugitive, ephemeral energy that we call sound. Spoken words combined with terrestrial sounds invite our senses and imaginations to go outward into an experience of the living Earth and its history. How did the... posted on Mar 02 2022, 6,300 reads


A World Held Sacred...
"'Peace is Every Step,' Thich Nhat Hanh reminded us throughout his life and work. In this spirit, in the face of the concerted violence currently being waged against the Ukrainian people, we share the following resources to offer inspiration and support for the embodiment and expression of peace. Grateful living reminds us that every moment holds the opportunity for reflection, perspective-taking,... posted on Mar 01 2022, 3,085 reads


The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought
Elif Shafak is a Turkish author, columnist and speaker who writes stories of women, minorities, immigrants, subcultures, and youth in both Turkish and English. In this Ted Talk, she exposes the unprecedented challenges facing the world today, the attraction to and fallacy of following demagogues, and how these same problems will show us the way forward: the indispensability of democracy, the need ... posted on Feb 28 2022, 19,080 reads


You Are Not Alone Across Time
"Remember, Bryan Doerries likes to say in both physical and virtual gatherings, you are not alone in this room and you are not alone across time. With his public health project, Theater of War, he is activating an old alchemy for our young century. Ancient stories, and texts that have stood the test of time, can be portals to honest and dignified grappling with present wounds and longings and cal... posted on Feb 27 2022, 3,137 reads


Bending the Arc
"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world." Paul Farmer, the renowned Harvard physician and medical anthropologist, died this week at age 62. While the world mourns the loss of this towering figure in global health, it recollects his incandescent legacy of profound solidarity, fierce commitment and catalytic friendships across borders in delivering high-... posted on Feb 26 2022, 2,071 reads


Ukraine's Kseniya Simonova: Weaving Stories with Light & Sand
In 2009, 24-year-old Kseniya Simonova stunned judges and audience alike on "Ukraine's Got Talent", by creating mesmerizing pictures on an illuminated sand table. The series of haunting images that bloomed beneath her swift-moving fingers depicted Germany's invasion of Ukraine during World War II, and its impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. Today, as the world prays for the safety and well-be... posted on Feb 25 2022, 17,868 reads


An Unusual Gift From My Grandfather
"Often, when he came to visit, my grandfather would bring me a present. These were never the sorts of things that other people brought, dolls and books and stuffed animals... Once he brought me a little paper cup. I looked inside it expecting something special. It was full of dirt. I was not allowed to play with dirt. Disappointed, I told him this. He smiled at me fondly. Turning, he picked up the... posted on Feb 24 2022, 6,551 reads


Designing & Supporting Peer-Driven Change
"In a novel approach to addressing poverty, Mauricio Lim Miller shifts ownership and priority-setting to low-income working families through an approach that enables families to self-organize, support each other as they gain fiscal independence and confidence, and move into roles as active consumers of social services who deliver feedback, not passive beneficiaries." More in this profile piece.... posted on Feb 23 2022, 2,284 reads


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Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.
William Ruckelshaus

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